All, Jobs, Resources Ask a Recruiter: Job Hunting Advice, Interview Tips & Resume Help Lauren Zyber On January 26th, we hosted a virtual AMA with top recruiter Jamie Koblinski. She answered questions...
All, Resources, Midwest The State of The Midwest Startup Community 2020 Ryan Landau What makes the Midwest the next opportunity area when it comes to startups and tech? Four startup...
All, Resources How to Balance Having Fun and Saving Money When You’re on a Tight Budget Jessica Willis Do I pay off my student loans or save for my retirement? The answer is both! While it's totally...
All, Resources, News, Midwest Low cost, high reward: new report shows Midwest tech jobs pay off Ryan Landau There are so many reasons why we love living and working in the Midwest—booming tech hubs, tight...
All, Culture, Resources, Remote 6 Traits Every Successful Remote Employee Has Alexa Goins, Kenzie Academy Looking for a new position in the COVID job economy? Interested in upping your game as a remote...
All, Ann Arbor, Resources, Diversity & Inclusion Cahoots launches diversity scholarship, offers more than desk space Lauren Zyber Created by founders for founders, Cahoots is a coworking tech hub that’s fostering a community for ...
All, Resources How to Write a Job Description that Brings in Top Tech Talent Lauren Zyber “It’s just a job description. It’s not a big deal.”
All, Culture, Resources, Diversity & Inclusion Keep That Same Energy: What We Learned at the Diversity and Inclusion Panel Lauren Zyber On June 23rd, and DVP hosted a virtual panel discussion on diversity and inclusion. We...
All, Culture, Resources, Diversity & Inclusion Anti-Racist Actions Startup Founders can Take to be More Inclusive Lauren Zyber There’s no doubt that companies, big and small, can have a huge influence on a community. And being...
All, Culture, Resources 5 Job Hunting Tips for Finding a Purposeful Career Ryan Landau Finding a job can often be frustrating and challenging—and it only gets harder during a pandemic....
All, Detroit, Resources On The Dequindre Cut, Bea’s Turns Helping Small Businesses into an Art Form Lauren Zyber It started in 2019 as a silly idea on April Fool’s Day—to buy one of the smallest parcels of land...
Detroit, Startups, Resources, News Entrepreneurial Report Shows Positive Outlook for Detroit Startups Lauren Zyber With the rise of pandemic panic, people are craving data about the state of Detroit’s economy....
All, Culture, Interviews, Startups, Resources, Remote Startup Guide to Remote Work Dave Corcoran There's a longstanding rumor that hangs heavy over the startup community. The word 'startup' alone...
All, Interviews, Startups, Resources Detroit Startup Hiring Guide Ashley Lundquist Starting a business is hard, but successfully growing one is harder. Detroit entrepreneurs are cut...
All, Culture, Interviews, Startups, Resources How to Be a Unicorn Company Ashley Lundquist {% video_player "embed_player" overrideable=False, type='scriptV4', hide_playlist=True,...
All, Jobs, Startups, Resources Top 5 Highest Paid Startup Salaries Brytanie Killebrew Make no mistake—Money isn't everything, but it sure does help. And while talking salary isn't...
All, Culture, Startups, Resources, News State of Michigan Tech Compensation 2019 Ryan Landau How much should I get paid? How much should I be paying? Thes are the questions we're asked...
All, Culture, Resources, News Introducing the Purpose Awards Ryan Landau We’re looking for the boldest minds, are you in? The startup community is no stranger to flattery....
All, Culture, Resources The ROI of using Ryan Landau Re:purpose is a hiring platform where Michigan-based startups and tech companies can find...
All, Culture, Interviews, Resources HBR says this is how you turn purpose into performance Ryan Landau Helping purpose-driven people find purpose-driven startups is at the heart of all we do. (Hence:...
All, Interviews, Resources How WeWork Used to Grow their Detroit Team Ryan Landau When WeWork launched in 2010, they wanted to build more than beautifully designed shared office...
All, Culture, Resources The key to Talent Acquisition Strategy Ryan Landau How often do you talk about behavior in your startup?
All, Culture, Resources 5 Tips to Help You be Successful at a Startup Lucia Giacomantonio This is a guest post written by Lucia Giacomantonio, a marketing professional and consultant who...
All, Culture, Interviews, Resources 6 Questions to Ask in Your Next Interview Ryan Landau We hope you’ve heard this advice before, and taken it to heart: during a job interview, remember...
All, Culture, Startups, Resources The New Branding Playbook Ryan Landau Consider the old school branding playbook: Brands were defined by taglines and ad budgets. The...