All, Culture, Resources, Leadership 7 mindfulness exercises to reduce stress at a tech job Laura Cowan Tech jobs can be hectic, and stress from the pandemic and non-stop work from home demands have 70%...
All, Culture, Resources, Leadership Building resilience plus more mental well-being strategies for work Lauren Zyber As we know, May is Mental Health Awareness Month. While this topic has always been important, the...
All, Culture, Leadership Fear: The Startup Serial Killer Which Must Not Be Named Ryan Vaughn We don’t talk about fears in startups often, or well. But the unexamined and unreconciled fears of...
All, Culture, Leadership, Ryan Vaughn The profound ROI on having fun Ryan Vaughn Entrepreneurs are artists that produce at scale.
All, Culture, Leadership, Ryan Vaughn Why most 'culture work' actually hurts your company Ryan Vaughn And the simple way to ensure your culture eats strategy for lunch.
All, Culture, Leadership, Ryan Vaughn The dark side of 'Crushing It': when looking good leads to bad results Ryan Vaughn This blog is adapted from a two-part examination of leadership, published on Second Mountain Startup
All, Culture, Leadership For leaders, meditation is more useful than business school Ryan Vaughn Meditation makes people better leaders, and when done consistently can be more effective than any...