All, Culture, Startups, Hiring Meet Rocket Companies, a Fintech at the Intersection of Impact and Innovation Dan Ngoyi When I started at Rocket Companies – then Quicken Loans – back in 2013, we had 4,000 team members...
All, Culture, Startups Best Places to Work: A Look Inside Company Culture Hannah Slover Culture. Culture. Culture. We’re all talking about it, but what does it even mean?
All, Culture, Resources Questions to Ask in an Interview to Discover Company Culture Hannah Slover It can be hard to get a sense of a company’s culture in a 30-minute interview. Especially a remote...
All, Culture, Employee Benefits The New Era of Benefits: Work/Life Balance, Flexibility, and Purpose Lauren Zyber A lot is changing about how we live and work as we emerge from the coronavirus pandemic.
All, Culture, Resources The Power of Strengths-Awareness: Bringing your best self to work in an age of uncertainty Kristina Mercier 2020 ushered in unprecedented changes to our work and whole life experience. While we feel some...
All, Culture, Resources, Leadership 7 mindfulness exercises to reduce stress at a tech job Laura Cowan Tech jobs can be hectic, and stress from the pandemic and non-stop work from home demands have 70%...
All, Culture, Resources, Leadership Building resilience plus more mental well-being strategies for work Lauren Zyber As we know, May is Mental Health Awareness Month. While this topic has always been important, the...
All, Culture, Midwest The Best Growing Tech Hubs for Healthy Living One America Works As the past year has changed how we work, it has also changed where we work. This new era of...
All, Culture Finally Look Forward To Mondays: How To Find a Job You Love Anthony Vaughan We’ve all been there. It’s Sunday evening. You’ve had such a great weekend with friends and family,...
All, Culture, Leadership Fear: The Startup Serial Killer Which Must Not Be Named Ryan Vaughn We don’t talk about fears in startups often, or well. But the unexamined and unreconciled fears of...
All, Culture, Resources, Diversity & Inclusion Have A Disability? Look For Companies That Offer These Benefits Patrick Young As a person with a disability, you may have found the job market difficult to navigate. For a long...
All, Culture, Leadership, Ryan Vaughn The profound ROI on having fun Ryan Vaughn Entrepreneurs are artists that produce at scale.
All, Culture, Resources, Diversity & Inclusion Candidates Should Ask These 6 Questions About Diversity and Inclusion Lauren Zyber Diversity, inclusion, equity and belonging. It's something many startups and tech companies say...
All, Culture, Midwest Tech workers are choosing Milwaukee as their home. Here’s why. Lauren Zyber I’ll be honest: I’ve always had a soft spot for Milwaukee. My sister and brother-in-law live there,...
All, Culture, Leadership, Ryan Vaughn Why most 'culture work' actually hurts your company Ryan Vaughn And the simple way to ensure your culture eats strategy for lunch.
All, Culture, Leadership, Ryan Vaughn The dark side of 'Crushing It': when looking good leads to bad results Ryan Vaughn This blog is adapted from a two-part examination of leadership, published on Second Mountain Startup
All, Culture, Leadership For leaders, meditation is more useful than business school Ryan Vaughn Meditation makes people better leaders, and when done consistently can be more effective than any...
All, Culture, Resources, Remote 6 Traits Every Successful Remote Employee Has Alexa Goins, Kenzie Academy Looking for a new position in the COVID job economy? Interested in upping your game as a remote...
All, Culture, Midwest, Columbus Taking a Page from the Midwest Playbook: What Tech Giants Could Learn as they Move Inland Brian Hough After so many years of this myth that nothing’s going on in the Midwest, the secret’s out, and...
All, Ann Arbor, Culture, Startups, Midwest The Duo Blueprint: How Ann Arbor's Duo Security is Changing the Midwest Startup Scene Lauren Zyber “Our small city of freaks and geeks, fast learners, and team players has been a crucible for...
All, Culture, Diversity & Inclusion Culture contribution: why we no longer say ‘culture fit’ Ryan Landau We’ll be the first to say that we are always learning. That’s what we do at startups—we listen,...
All, Ann Arbor, Culture, Diversity & Inclusion Becoming Better Allies: How Tech Companies can Build More Inclusive Cultures Lauren Zyber When it comes to inclusion initiatives, Daniel Young says he learned from one of the best.
All, Culture, Resources, Diversity & Inclusion Keep That Same Energy: What We Learned at the Diversity and Inclusion Panel Lauren Zyber On June 23rd, and DVP hosted a virtual panel discussion on diversity and inclusion. We...
All, Culture, Resources, Diversity & Inclusion Anti-Racist Actions Startup Founders can Take to be More Inclusive Lauren Zyber There’s no doubt that companies, big and small, can have a huge influence on a community. And being...
All, Culture, Resources 5 Job Hunting Tips for Finding a Purposeful Career Ryan Landau Finding a job can often be frustrating and challenging—and it only gets harder during a pandemic....
All, Culture, Detroit, Detroit Community A Guide to Metro Detroit's Best Carryout Ice Cream Shops Lauren Zyber It’s getting warmer which means one thing–ice cream season. Though I’m not opposed to eating ice...
All, Culture, Detroit, Detroit Community The 12 Best Hiking Trails in Metro Detroit Lauren Zyber The weather is getting nicer, but too bad we're all stuck inside, right?
All, Culture, Remote Five Tips For Maintaining Company Culture While Working Remotely Lauren Zyber If you work with a great team, I’m guessing you miss working with them face to face. I certainly...
Ann Arbor, Culture, Jobs, purpose, Startups, Diversity & Inclusion Ann Arbor’s Shine & Rise Offers Resources, Community to Women in Tech Lauren Zyber When Kristina Oberly left her job for an Ann Arbor tech startup, she was only the 4th hire at the...
Ann Arbor, Culture, Jobs, purpose, Startups, Good Humans Spotlight How to Volunteer with Meaning: DaySmart Combines Community and Industry Lauren Zyber In today’s world, companies that stand for something stand out.
All, Culture, Detroit, Jobs, Startups The Top Detroit Startups To Watch In 2020 Lauren Zyber For the most up-to date list of the top Detroit startups, check out the Top Detroit Startups to...
All, Culture Benefits 101: Everything You Need to Know About Startup Benefits Belal Tiba In life, there are necessities, there are comforts and then there are extravagances. The world of...
All, Culture What are Gender Neutral Pronouns & How to Use Them Purpose Jobs We have some big news. As of today, the re:purpose platform now gives candidates the opportunity to...
All, Culture, Funding, Interviews, Startups, News Detroit Startups on the Rise: Argo AI Purpose Jobs In the race for accessible and modern mobility, a local startup is on a mission to improve the way...
All, Culture, Interviews, Startups, Resources, Remote Startup Guide to Remote Work Dave Corcoran There's a longstanding rumor that hangs heavy over the startup community. The word 'startup' alone...
All, Culture, Funding, Startups, News Detroit Startup News Recap: August 2019 Purpose Jobs The final days of summer are here.
All, Culture, Jobs 3 Marketing Jobs in Detroit, Hiring Now Purpose Jobs Finding a new gig hasn't always been easy, so we thought we'd change that. We're bringing you the...
All, Culture, Jobs, Startups, Remote 7 Detroit Companies That Let You Work From Home Purpose Jobs Flexible work options have become the new norm. From unlimited PTO to work-from-home options,...
All, Culture, Startups Top 7 Fintech Leaders in Detroit Purpose Jobs Our world is changing. Managing your finances and using your money in digital form has never been...
All, Culture, Startups 6 Tech Giants Located in Detroit Purpose Jobs There's more to Detroit than home-grown startups and budding entrepreneurship. Serving as...
All, Culture, Interviews, Startups, Resources How to Be a Unicorn Company Ashley Lundquist {% video_player "embed_player" overrideable=False, type='scriptV4', hide_playlist=True,...